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How to Keep Your Data Safe in the Cloud
Cloud-based services that give me access to my company information, files, and presentations wherever I am in the world. Even as we become more ... -
Virtual Real Estate from Lead Generation to Close
In May Craig provided many tips and tools to help you thrive during (& after) the pandemic to stay connected, collaborate, and show properties ... -
AppsAR & VRCloudFuture TechMarketingPhoto & VideoSoftwareTech GuideTips & TricksTips & Tricks = OtherWebinars
Virtual Floorplans & Digital Home Diaries
These days, many consumers are scared to go to the grocery store let alone go look at properties, but they are highly inclined to ... -
Google Drive Sync Computer Backup
As detailed in other pieces on RETI, Google Drive is one of the best and most secure cloud based storage solutions and especially if ... -
Creating a Text Signature on an iPhone
Have you ever wondered how to create a signature for your text messages on an iPhone that can have your contact info, even images ... -
Zen Desk – Virtual Office Review
Zen Desk is a cool software solution that allows you to set up and manage a virtual office with solutions for shared desktops, interactive ... -
Now is the Time to Go Paperless
Now is the Time to Go Paperless Habits and routines are hard to break, but there is one routine you have most likely been ... -
“Mobile Road Warrior” Webinar w/ Craig Grant
“Become a Mobile Road Warrior – Increase Productivity with Mobile Devices” Gain many valuable Tips & Tricks How to Increase Productivity with Mobile Devices ... -
Google Drive Browser Extension
Google Drive is an amazing cloud file storage program (watch this video that explains Why Google Drive is the Best Cloud Storage Solution). And ... -
Presenting on Mobile Webinar
Ever wanted to do a presentation or go over reports with your clients on your mobile devices, but didn’t know how? Attend this session ... -
Run Your Entire Real Estate Business on Google Webinar
Google provides so many tools that you could really run just about every aspect of a real estate business for free or for just ... -
Saving Email Attachments to Dropbox
Dropbox is one of the most popular file storage solutions in the cloud and it allows you to upload and save just about any ...